Want to know how to convert Apple Mail to PST?
You want to know how to convert Apple Mail to PST easily? And have no clue about anything? Then don’t you worry. This is the right article for you. Converting Apple Mail to PST can be really a daunting process. Especially if you are new to it. But don’t you worry. Agreed that it is a bit complicated, but with right tools and some knowledge you’ll become a pro at it in no time. Why Convert Apple Mail to PST? To understand it all you need to first understand why you need to convert Apple Mail to PST . Apple Mail is pretty similar to Windows Outlook. It is very popular email client with a large user-base and provides all the necessary features to its customers to meet their demands. Windows Outlook has the same impact on the Windows side of things. The operating system isn’t the only major difference between the two email clients. Another difference that leads to the need of converting Apple Mail to PST is the format in which both email clients handle the data of their users. ...